'I am told quite often that i have moved to the most beautiful part of Canada. Many friends and family have said how lucky i am to be given this great opportunity. I do agree it is beautiful here. The valley has alot to offer not only my husband and i but our son. They offer alot of interesting programs that back home were unheard of. But every now and then i catch myself missing "home". The familiar roads and neighbourhoods and of course my friends and family. My homesickness comes in waves and i never know when the next one will hit.

We take drives around the valley and i discover more things to love and appreciate. My homesickness subsides. Being away from everything helps to put your life into perspective. It's a real test of strength to be far from good friends and family. I believe it takes courage and alot of faith as well. You hope it all works out and your choices were wise ones.

We have been here for almost four months living in a rental that I have not enjoyed. This coming Friday we will be moving to a better place in the country. A place that feels more like home and does remind me of back home.

Alot of hopes and dreams had been trampled so when this home came along it was an answer to our prayers. I think things will start to turn around for me and my family. Faith and hope can go along way...
So maybe it's just alittle seasickness after all!

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and
delivers them out of all their troubles.
Psalm 34:17
It is incredibly hard to move away from the only thing you have known. Not to have familiar faces looking back at you. No real friends or family, that made home , home. You are still in the honeymoon phase. It is natural to be homesick. Your new house will cheer you immensley because living in the one you have lived in made you more homesick for the one you lost...things will work out. When I get more time we can get together.
When are you coming home for a visit and stop it with Gospel stuff...you sound like Aunt Pat!