The intention of starting this blog was to express and share my journey in another place after living in the same area for 43years. Stepping out of my comfortzone was not an easy task for me. Everyday is filled with more opportunitiesto discover this wonderful place i now call home. Nine months have passed and nowthat i am entering my tenth month here i can say alot has changed. I am comfortablein my surroundings and have made some wonderful friends. Just when we think things have settled down and we have a level footing on thingssomething comes about. For me and my family it was the passing of our beloved female cat Kachina.Kachina was fifteen years old and had made the journey across Canada with our othertwo pets quite easily. She was settled and very happy the first few months living here.Suddenly she became ill and quickly declined then passed away in her sleep.
Death is unfortunately a part of life. Losing a pet is the hardest. I always wondered whythe loss of a pet is sometimes even harder than a loved one. Then I realized why we take their passing so incredibly hard.Our pets love us unconditionally. They do not hold us responsible for their happiness. They don't make demands on us to act or behave in a way that makes them feel better. They do not give us endless guilt or shame. In their eyes we are perfect . WE ARE PERFECT in their eyes and are we not Perfect in Gods eyes as well? Maybe pets are Gods way of apologizing for relatives we have constant conflict with...
Until then rest in peace my sweet Kachina...