Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cowichan Fair

Welcome to Duncan's Exhibition in the Cowichan Valley!
This year the fair was held in their new location. Beautiful new stalls, barns and hall were built for the residents to enjoy. This is the thing i love about living here, they do so much
for the community. Lots of rides for kids of all ages...
I'm not a ride person at all either is my hubby. Our son loves rides. I must be the only
mom who gets totally stressed every time her child goes on one! Of course he is really
into the extreme rides!

Is this not a beautiful location to spend the day with your family? See why i
love it here?

Brand new stalls for all the horses and other animals...

This was a great competition with the miniature horses pulling little carts!

Larger Belgian horses pulling wagons.

There was the barn with all different types of sheep. This one just had his

Different types of goats in the next barn.

They were even judging different types of cattle. Some came all the way
from Alberta.

We had to visit the poultry barn. Sam and i love birds and chickens. There was
alot of cock- a -doodle -doo going on!! Lots of winners in this barn.

They were even showing rabbits! Never new people showed rabbits. They had
so many different varieties...

This guy was my favourite!!! He is huge!! His ears and paws were incredible!

Lots of beautiful horses...

Two handsome guys! This horse gladly posed for me!

Thanks for stopping by to see the show!
Pamela xo


  1. Oh Pam! It is just a gorgeous place to have a fair! Love all the animal photos..and those miniature horses are so darned cute, aren't they? Although, as I understand it, they do not have the most wonderful dispositions.

    I am one of those crazy adults that loves rides...well, as long as they don't go in a tight circle..those make me feel nauseous...but roller coasters...ferris wheels...carousels...sign me up! If I come visit I will ride the rides with your son so you don't have to feel He looks like he had a ball~ Diana

  2. I didn't get a chance to go this year. The weather yesterday was miserable. I drove past 2x on my way to Victoria for an appointment with the daughter. I so wanted to join the fun!

  3. Hi Pamela....that last picture is the best! and yes...I would love to go that fair - especially in that setting! you were right....

    Anne Marie

  4. Hi Pamela, Looks like a great time. I'm with you about the rides. Makes me nervous just seeing the pictures. It's always great spending time with the family, and your new community. Love, Penny

  5. Nice blog!
    Thank you for leave a comment on Zaira's blog.


  6. Thanks my dear! It looks like you live in one gorgeous countryside. Lucky you! Following now!

  7. What a nice time I had reading about your finding your place on the Island. I found your through Lorrie's blog - and I'll be back!

  8. Hi Pamela - I sure enjoyed all the pictures you posted of the Cowichan Fair. I am so surprised at how few people were in attendance though. It seems that this would be such a super family event. Great photos!
