Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Decorating with china

Throughout my home i have decorated with china. It is all too pretty to hide
in the cupboard! My living room sports alot of my china...

My limoge dishes...

My favourite platter is my brown transfer ware...

Masons pink vista china...

My darling sweet pea desert plates that are displayed in my bedroom...

My limoge platter is holding my perfume bottles...

Even the guest room has my china. Tea cups adding some whimsy to the chandelier...

When I'm not wading in the sea...I'm decorating with china!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Welcome to Our home!

Welcome to our home! I thought i would give you all a little tour of the home
my family and i are living in. This home is a beautiful home built in the 1920's which
is quite rare around this part of the island.

The top floor that you see here is the
sleeping porch off the master bedroom. Very favourite part of the home. This room is the formal dining area...a very large room. This photo only shows
a small part of the room..

Next up is the red french country kitchen. My dream is to one day have an all
white kitchen. For now it's red!

Would you like to stay for lunch? I love to cook and entertain for people!
Come over anytime...there is always food!

This room we call the passageway...the staircase is hidden in this room

You are going to find alot of toile in my home!!

Did i mention i'm a chinaholic? Really! My husband counted 28 boxes of china when
we moved here....he wasn't too happy!

Our pretty living room...still waiting for my white slip covered sofa!

My beloved laundry room...i love to do laundry!
The romantic sleeping porch!

This is waiting for me now that I have finished giving you the tour...
this home has two claw foot tubs too!!

Hope you enjoyed visiting...i loved having you!
Pamela xo

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cowichan Fair

Welcome to Duncan's Exhibition in the Cowichan Valley!
This year the fair was held in their new location. Beautiful new stalls, barns and hall were built for the residents to enjoy. This is the thing i love about living here, they do so much
for the community. Lots of rides for kids of all ages...
I'm not a ride person at all either is my hubby. Our son loves rides. I must be the only
mom who gets totally stressed every time her child goes on one! Of course he is really
into the extreme rides!

Is this not a beautiful location to spend the day with your family? See why i
love it here?

Brand new stalls for all the horses and other animals...

This was a great competition with the miniature horses pulling little carts!

Larger Belgian horses pulling wagons.

There was the barn with all different types of sheep. This one just had his

Different types of goats in the next barn.

They were even judging different types of cattle. Some came all the way
from Alberta.

We had to visit the poultry barn. Sam and i love birds and chickens. There was
alot of cock- a -doodle -doo going on!! Lots of winners in this barn.

They were even showing rabbits! Never new people showed rabbits. They had
so many different varieties...

This guy was my favourite!!! He is huge!! His ears and paws were incredible!

Lots of beautiful horses...

Two handsome guys! This horse gladly posed for me!

Thanks for stopping by to see the show!
Pamela xo

Friday, September 3, 2010

The town of Totems

In the Cowichan Valley there is a town called Duncan...the town of totems. Duncan is the central town in the Valley. Throughout the town there are beautifully hand carved totems
by the First Nations people. They are something to see.
These last three photos were taken on our vacation to the island two years ago.

To me the totems signify strength and courage. They stand tall and don't bow
down to anything. But unlike the totem sometimes the strongest of us can break down.
The caretaker of the family can not always be the rock his family expects him to be.
I am looking to the totems for strength and assurance to help my family
whether this fierce storm...