Summer and childhood go hand in hand. For me summer always brings back lovely
childhood memories. I love summer and i think most people do.
This is our first summer here on beautiful Vancouver Island.
Every where you go around here
you will finds
acres and acres
of wild black berries just begging
to be
Sam and his friendspent some time
The best thing for me about moving to the island is Sam's new found friendship.
Who would have guessed that moving 3,000 miles from home my son would
find a friend that he can connect with so easily .
A boy who shares the same
interests...has the same intellect and interests as his.
Someone has truly been watching over my family during this great
transition in our lives.
Pilothas really been
enjoying hanging out with the boys!
Isn't it refreshing when eleven year old boys are still just that...eleven year old(but sweet i might add) boys! This day in age the young want to grow up way too fast.
We have seen this with other children Sam has befriended. Kids who think safe, fun
things aren't cool anymore.
when Sam's new friend
comes for the day or a sleep over
my husband and i
are always pleased to see them playing ...
having fun in the outdoors.
The tree fort has been a big hit around here!Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn
seem to come to life.
We have told Sam that it is not important the number of friends you havebut the quality of friends.
When Sam and his friend are together they
are always
creating and stimulating
each other with new ideas and interests.
Friends can also be good role models for us. His friend has a wonderful blog
on the environment
and it has already been recognised and awarded money towards
his schooling.
What better friend/role model for our only child?
Handsome,polite boys
that would make
parent proud!

Wishing you all a happy, safe summer with your best friend!