Our beautiful oceans have once again been hurt .
All sea creatures living in the sea are affected by this great tragedy.
I never understood the power or the beauty of the sea...
until i moved to Vancouver Island.
Every day that i visit her i am once again captivated by her beauty...
in awe of the calmness she brings over me.
My husband always talked about his growing up by the ocean. How they
swam and waterskiied every summer. August was always spent fishing for salmon

He told me how he missed the smell of the salt air. The coast was always calling him home.
Living here i feel her calling me every morning. Our son loves it so much and enjoys all the creatures that live here.

But ... i feel very sad and heart broken when i look at her. I think to myself they have hurt her

All sea mammals and birds that need her ... this is their home
where they feed and live

And i think what can i do? Just one person
to make such a big wrong

It all starts with just one ...doesn't it?
and then
i think about
this Native American prayer
Look at our brokeness.
We know that in all creation
Only the human family
Has strayed from the sacred way.
We know that we are the ones
Who are divided
And we are the ones
Who must come back together
To walk in the sacred way
Sacred One,
Teach us love, compassion, honor
That we may heal the earth
And heal each other.
May she will forgive us ... and all the sea creatures as well
Pamela xo